Grain marketing strategies: Meet May Sellers.

Harvest is here and there can be no better time to introduce May Sellers. Unlike Barney Binless, May is a celebrity producer who uses the most popular marketing approach at harvest: place unpriced grain in storage and wait to sell later in the crop year.

100% green sallers.

May Sellers has on-farm storage. She is aware of seasonal price patterns that point to, on average, the highest cash prices for corn and soybeans in May or June. Every year she holds her crop in storage to sell in late spring. Her price is the cash price of corn or soybeans on the Friday between May 25 and 31, less variable storage costs. Variable storage costs consider interest on debt (I assume May has a line of credit) and in-and-out costs to account for shrinkage (8 cents and 11 cents/bu., respectively, for corn and soybeans).

Browse Popular Cereals & Food Grains Items From Top Suppliers.

Cereal & Muesli are the healthy and hassle free breakfast. They are one of the healthiest breakfasts to meet your morning nourishment needs.cereals and muesli flakes comes in multiple flavours and textures made with various healthy grains like multi grain flakes, corn flakes, all bran flakes.Cereals and muesli keeps you energetic throughout the day as it is a Power Packed Breakfast.They are yummy too and available in a range of flavours and brands. You can choose multiple options online including organic multi grain cereals, cereals with no added preservatives, cereals with no added sugar and many more of multiple brands including 24 Mantra, Organic, American Garden, Bagrry's, Kellogg's, Kolln, N2H, Nature Valley, NUTRI-CRISP, and more.

About Us

we sell all types of cereals.all the grains that come in the agriculture department,they sell it all item.


grain sellers.

we buy food grains from our village and sell them in the market.we by all types of grains food from our villages.


alubia,barley,chickpeas,chickpeas,brown,chickpeas green,chickpeas white,common bean,corn,garbanzo,graan peas,lentil,miller-pearl spiked,red lentils,split red lentil,split skinless black chickpeas,urad bean,wheat,rice,


grains Business all items available.

Our Plans

this sellers is the 24 hours available yuor you can meet you everytime.

Our Team

my team is very hard work this is for you so you can support me.

Mrs.Raju Kumar


Mrs. kapil dev parsad

Art Director

contact me.

all types of grains are avilable here,lowest price on the market and best materials.


jaynagar bazar samiti
district- madhubani.pincode 847226

